Useful information in English for International Students in CAU Kiel!
Get in contact with locals
We are grateful for technology and you will be happy to know it can bring you closer to Kiel and locals!
In Germany, most of the people in charge of certain activities are not available in their offices 100% of the time, and they have office hours (which we include here). Try to contact them in person on those time frames or schedule an appointment beforehand (via e-mail or phone).
This is the official University website in English.
Also, the responsible authority of the CAU for International Students is the International Center. They can help you at any times with any additional information required. Here is the contact information:
Advisor to International Students, Internships Abroad
Westring 400
Phone: +49 431 880 3716
Fax: +49 431 880 1666
Office hours:
Mondays (only during lecture period): 13 to 15 hrs.
Tuesdays: 13 to 15 hrs.
Thursdays: 9 to 12 hrs.
In Germany, there are organizations called Studentenwerk (student services). In the case of Kiel, the Studentenwerk is in charge of the students' services in the whole state (Schleswig-Holstein). Therefore, they are responsible of coordinating activities related to students in all the Universities across the State, such as the dormitories (Studentenwohnheim in German) -detailed information on housing here-, the Cafeterias (Mensa in German) -detailed information on the Mensa 1 and 2 at CAU here-, among others.
Our contact for International Students in the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein (abbreviated SH, state of which Kiel is the capital) is:
Student Adviser, Advice and counselling center
Mensa 2, Leibnitzstraße 12-14 Room 01
Tel.: +49 431 881 6154
Office hours:
Thursday 10 to 13 hrs.
The Studentenwerk has a voluntary program to enhance the introduction to the city and first days between German and International Students.
If you are interested on having a Study buddy, clic here, where you can find the information and online registration.
Once you register, the Studentenwerk searches (if possible) for people with similar interests and assigns a “Study buddy” for you. Then you can both agree on the appointments and frequency of contact.
The Referat for Students (AStA or Allgemeine Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in German) is an information and consulting center for all students at CAU.
The AStA area in charge of International Students is responsible for:
consulting international students
organizing and holding integrated events
international networking
cooperation with the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein
representing international student interests in university committees
The contact for International Students in AStA is:
Telefon: +49 431 8801720
Office hours:
Tuesday 13 to 14 hrs.
Your admission letter also contains the contact information of your program coordinator. Please don’t hesitate to contact them with specific questions about the program, courses or lectures.
The International Center has a list of specific Master programs taught in English, which has direct links to the faculty or school they belong.
You will be surprised to find out that social media is highly used in Kiel. There are a lot of Facebook groups that are very helpful for obtaining information. Some of the most important are:
- International Students University of Kiel
- Tutors from the International Center CAU
- Intercultural mentors Kiel (2016)
- International PHD Students in Kiel (Docs Build Bridges)
In addition, every Faculty, Student's Associations (Fachschaften in German) or even some specific programs have a Facebook group.
Also, people from some regions, countries or even religions have their own Facebook group, either in Kiel or Germany, where you can get useful tips or network!
So don’t hesitate to search for the group of your interest! You might even know some new friends and helpful tips!