Useful information in English for International Students in CAU Kiel!
Complying with the law
In this section, we will explain you more about some legal issues you might run into.
In Germany we have a broadcast fee for the public television and radio. Starting 2013 a flat-rate contribution of €17.50 monthly is charged to every apartment. Although there is no TV or Radio in your house, you get to pay this fee, which is payed per apartment, no matter the number of people living inside. Therefore, the people living in the house get to share the expenses. For this reason, the more the inhabitants living in the apartment together, the less the sum to be paid by each and every individual.
Unfortunately, even if you live in a dorm and you share the kitchen and/or bathroom with other people but the keys to your room are available only for you, you still need to pay the fee.
Once you get registered to the Rathouse, you will automatically get a letter sent to your address. The letter by the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio includes all the explanation (unfortunately in German), of how to make the payments. We strongly recommend you to not ignore this letter, but instead ask some friends to help you.
What we suggest you is:
If you are sharing a flat with other people, then you get to share the monthly fee of €17.50 among your flatmates.
If you are living in the dorm, ask people living in your same floor if they pay the GEZ. In this way, you might have the chance to share with them the monthly fee. As an example; you are living in the floor with 10 other people, you would only need to pay €1.75 monthly (€17.50 / 10 people).
Remember to to de-register again before you leave Germany.
Studentenwerk Kiel offers more information in English. Have a look here.
Downloading is an illegal activity worldwide. While in many countries there is not a strong comply with property rights laws, Germany takes illegal downloading very seriously. We strongly recommend to avoid illegal download (through torrents) of any movie, song, book, since you get heavy fines for each infraction.
Therefore, before moving to Germany you should delete any torrent program, because they might run, although you don’t use use the software directly.
In case you run into troubles the International centre offers advising support.
Please contact
Advisor to International Students, Internships Abroad
Westring 400
Phone: +49 431 880 3716
Fax: +49 431 880 1666
Office hours:
Mondays (only during lecture period): 1 to 3 p.m.
Tuesdays: 1 to 3 p.m.
Thursdays: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.