Useful information in English for International Students in CAU Kiel!
Health insurance
Every student in Germany must have a health insurance. And for your enrolment, you need to show the health insurance proof.
According to legal regulations (§5 Section 1 No. 9 SGB V) students of German universities can obtain health insurance from a statutory (public) health insurance until the end of the 14th semester of their course of study and/or until the age of 30. Otherwise, they must get an insurance from an alternative health insurance company (private).
In case you arrive in the country and start your studies under 30 and turn 30 while studying in Germany, you can apply for the public health insurance, but it gets more expensive after 30.
There is an exception to this rule, and to apply it, you need to request a letter by the International Center, which you present to the insurance company. In this way you can get the public student insurance for the same price as if you were under 30.
The costs in 2016 for the public health insurance is around 92€ and the private insurance cost varies depending on the company and coverage. For the public insurance, once you get 30 years old, the cost is 180€ per month.
International students can apply for an exemption from the statutory health insurance scheme if they present proof that the health insurance from their home country is valid in the Federal Republic of Germany and that it provides the same coverage as a German statutory health insurance scheme.
AOK Student Services
Raiffeisenstr. 1
24103 Kiel
Monday, Tuesday 09:00 – 16:30 hrs
Wednesday 09:00 – 13:00 hrs
Thursday 09:00 – 16:30 hrs
Friday 09:00 – 13:00 hrs
You can find more information in the following links:
Health insurance website from International Center;
There are more public health insurance companies, such as: DAK, TK, Barmer, among others.
If you are older than 30, probably the private insurance is the best option for you. You can buy it from your country or in Germany. Here you can find some options. Always ask for more information before choosing it (these are just suggestions that we found searching, therefore we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information):
Deutsches Studentenwerk has a cooperation with HanseMerkur. Here you find the link.
Attention: if you think the private insurance is the best option for you, be aware that, after this choice you can not choose the public insurance anymore as a student. Private insurances are cheaper, but in the end, if you get ill, they do not cover many things and it will get more expensive than a public one.
Always ask for help in case of questions. Here is the contact from International Center:
Advisor to International Students, Internships Abroad
Westring 400
Phone: +49 431 880 3716
Fax: +49 431 880 1666
Liability insurance (Privathaftpflichtversicherung)
In German this is called "Privathaftpflichtversicherung". It is insurance in case you (for example) hit someone whilst riding your bike or knock someone down the stairs. Having such insurance is not a legal requirement in Germany but most Germans do have it and it is strongly recommended for expats as well, especially as it can cost as little as 60 euros per year. More detailed information about German insurances here.
HUK-COBURG is one example where you can find this insurance in Kiel.