Useful information in English for International Students in CAU Kiel!
Go green and sharing economy
If you are a more environmental friendly person and you are searching for some green tips for Kiel, here are some suggestions:
- Such Dich Grün - Das grüne Portal. This website or app (iOS, Android, Amazon: free of charge) helps you finding all the Bio-shops and -makets around your area.
- Kleiderkreisel. When you want to resell or buy used clothes, this website or app (iOS, Android: free of charge) is a really good start.
- Foodsharing. Foodsharing is the new revolution. The authors of this blog already tried it and we are more than satisfied. The concept is simple: instead of throwing away, share it with another person. This platform gathers single citizens but as well supermarkets and shops.
- Ebay-kleinanzeigen. In this portal you can find all sorts of things you need for your new life in Kiel. You can filter by the area you are living, so that you don’t need to travel around that much in order to collect your object.
- If you would like to find cheap (or maybe because you find it cooler) second hand clothes you can go to the “Kilo Laden”. There are three different stores:
· Sophienblatt 11
· Kirchhofallee 50
· Knooper Weg 29